Statistics & Research about Paducah,KY - Western Rivers Corporation

Here are some statistics & research about Paducah,KY an area served by Western Rivers Corporation

Phone : 270-442-3533

Car dealers nearby Western Rivers Corporation

Massey Motors


Chip Wynn Motors

Chip Wynn Motors 3147 Park Avenue Paducah,\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00a0KY\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00a042001
Phone: (270) 443-1728

Real estate research for area nearby Western Rivers Corporation

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lovelaceville 56100 NA NA
Belknap 67500 NA NA
Webster No. 5 106,300 694 7.8
Grahamville-Heath 121,300 664 6.6
Dexter 81700 NA NA
West Brooklyn 66,700 602 10.8
Grantsburg No. 1 92600 NA NA
Cunningham 100,900 500 5.9
Farmington 101,500 658 7.8
Adkins 112,700 1094 11.6

Number of old houses in places near by Western Rivers Corporation

Place name Number of old houses
Belknap 59400
Webster No. 5 111500
Grahamville-Heath 66600
Dexter 153000
West Brooklyn 156900
Grantsburg No. 1 18000
Cunningham 110000
Farmington 46000
Eddyville 89800
Farley 55000
Paducah 86300
Metropolis No. 2 119800

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Western Rivers Corporation

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Webster No. 5 18
Grahamville-Heath 18
West Brooklyn 28
Cunningham 16
Farmington 17
Adkins 7
Eddyville 309
Farley 120
Paducah 2628
Metropolis No. 2 84

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Western Rivers Corporation

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Webster No. 5 6
Grahamville-Heath 76
Cunningham 27
Farmington 30
Adkins 11
Eddyville 86
Farley 23
Paducah 792

Number of new houses in places near by Western Rivers Corporation

Place name Number of new houses
Grahamville-Heath 323100
Cunningham 525000
Eddyville 75000
Paducah 212500