Statistics & Research about Madisonville,KY - Tucumcari General Ins Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Madisonville,KY an area served by Tucumcari General Ins Agcy Inc

245 S Main St
Phone : (270) 875-4403

Real estate research for area nearby Tucumcari General Ins Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Beech Grove 75400 NA NA
Manitou 30,400 464 18.3
White Plains 54,000 559 12.4
McHenry-Rockport 61,600 700 13.6
Robards 93,800 963 12.3
Nebo 110,100 610 6.6
Providence 42,300 532 15.1
Webster County 66,600 575 10.4
East Crittenden 98,800 411 5.0
Hebbardsville-Robards 107,300 534 6.0

Number of vacant houses in places near by Tucumcari General Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Beech Grove 31
White Plains 48
McHenry-Rockport 149
Robards 46
Nebo 161
Providence 380
Webster County 968
East Crittenden 116
Hebbardsville-Robards 107
Livermore 101
Dixon 168
McLean County 578
Drakesboro 139
Central City 494

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Tucumcari General Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Beech Grove 126400
White Plains 63000
McHenry-Rockport 71000
Robards 93800
Nebo 183900
Providence 37200
Webster County 83700
East Crittenden 153700
Hebbardsville-Robards 168400
Livermore 181900
Dixon 135400
McLean County 112100
Drakesboro 52400
Central City 211600

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Tucumcari General Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
White Plains 11
McHenry-Rockport 9
Robards 4
Nebo 54
Providence 18
Webster County 107
East Crittenden 35
Hebbardsville-Robards 26
Livermore 32
Dixon 17
McLean County 56
Drakesboro 55
Central City 28