Statistics & Research about Springfield,KY - Simms & Montgomery Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Springfield,KY an area served by Simms & Montgomery Inc

Phone : 859-336-3937

Real estate research for area nearby Simms & Montgomery Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Southwest Anderson 129,000 819 7.6
Lebanon 107,700 524 5.8
Salvisa-McAfee 154,000 702 5.5
Northwest Anderson 147,300 638 5.2
Boyle County 132,700 622 5.6
Lebanon Junction 122,900 717 7.0
New Haven 96,700 627 7.8
Anderson County 132,700 696 6.3
New Market 88,900 458 6.2
Elk Creek 209600 NA NA

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Simms & Montgomery Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Southwest Anderson 170000
Lebanon 187800
Salvisa-McAfee 226400
Northwest Anderson 169900
Boyle County 173900
Lebanon Junction 162500
New Haven 210700
Anderson County 167900
New Market 55600
Elk Creek 232100
Bloomfield 171900
Bryantsville 147100
Clementsville 108600
Bradfordsville 51300
Taylorsville 163500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Simms & Montgomery Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Southwest Anderson 51
Lebanon 143
Salvisa-McAfee 71
Northwest Anderson 9
Boyle County 462
Lebanon Junction 148
New Haven 36
Anderson County 179
Elk Creek 70
Bloomfield 38
Bryantsville 185
Clementsville 31
Bradfordsville 55
Taylorsville 76

Number of blacks in places near by Simms & Montgomery Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Southwest Anderson 21
Lebanon 1264
Northwest Anderson 5
Boyle County 1861
New Haven 17
Anderson County 581
Elk Creek 254
Bloomfield 138
Bradfordsville 6
Taylorsville 92

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Simms & Montgomery Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Southwest Anderson 154200
Lebanon 118200
Salvisa-McAfee 161800
Northwest Anderson 145300
Boyle County 150200
Lebanon Junction 146500
New Haven 100900
Anderson County 148200
New Market 105500
Elk Creek 189300
Bloomfield 123200
Bryantsville 154000
Clementsville 53600
Bradfordsville 95400
Taylorsville 143000