Statistics & Research about Ashland,KY - Peoples Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Ashland,KY an area served by Peoples Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : (606) 329-2200

Car dealers nearby Peoples Insurance Agency Llc

Fannin Scion

Phone: (606) 929-9000

Real estate research for area nearby Peoples Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
West Hamlin 70,300 510 8.7
Pea Ridge 136,200 683 6.0
Union 85,500 534 7.5
Rosemount 102,500 591 6.9
Willard 68,000 449 7.9
Proctorville 86,600 559 7.7
Tygarts Valley 67,400 567 10.1
Raceland 90,900 565 7.5
Chesapeake 87,600 637 8.7
Apple Grove 34700 NA NA

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Peoples Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
West Hamlin 237
Pea Ridge 783
Union 980
Rosemount 221
Willard 507
Proctorville 101
Tygarts Valley 481
Raceland 310
Chesapeake 243
Apple Grove 96
Greenup 1138
Russell 134
Cannonsburg 665
Porter 1140
Ceredo 1264

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Peoples Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
West Hamlin 193
Pea Ridge 1221
Union 2125
Rosemount 497
Willard 986
Proctorville 114
Tygarts Valley 775
Raceland 629
Chesapeake 127
Apple Grove 26
Greenup 1912
Russell 689
Cannonsburg 1811
Porter 2013
Ceredo 1597

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Peoples Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
West Hamlin 57
Pea Ridge 612
Union 219
Willard 118
Proctorville 31
Tygarts Valley 107
Raceland 63
Chesapeake 26
Greenup 139
Russell 129
Cannonsburg 91
Porter 267
Ceredo 311