Statistics & Research about Bardstown,KY - Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Bardstown,KY an area served by Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

1002 Granite Dr Ste 101
Phone : 502-331-9200

Car dealers nearby Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

Conway Heaton Inc

CONWAY HEATON INC, 810 North Third St, Bardstown, KY 40004, (888) 637-8493
Phone: (888) 637-8493

Real estate research for area nearby Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lebanon Junction 122,900 717 7.0
Northwest Anderson 147,300 638 5.2
Hodgenville 97,100 491 6.1
Brooks 90,800 659 8.7
Anderson County 132,700 696 6.3
Raywick 101,800 486 5.7
Lebanon 107,700 524 5.8
Southwest Anderson 129,000 819 7.6
West Spencer 181,700 599 4.0
Bardstown 119,900 644 6.4

Number of whites in places near by Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Lebanon Junction 4371
Northwest Anderson 1936
Hodgenville 6840
Brooks 2930
Anderson County 20584
Raywick 1111
Lebanon 8374
Southwest Anderson 2570
West Spencer 11097
Bardstown 23124
Hillview 8673
Mount Washington 23867
Simpsonville 7056
Pioneer Village 360
Larue County 13196

Number of old houses in places near by Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Lebanon Junction 82700
Northwest Anderson 97500
Hodgenville 97600
Brooks 23300
Anderson County 97600
Raywick 41000
Lebanon 111100
Southwest Anderson 99500
West Spencer 95000
Bardstown 125800
Mount Washington 136200
Simpsonville 238500
Larue County 87400

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lebanon Junction 162500
Northwest Anderson 169900
Hodgenville 144400
Brooks 110200
Anderson County 167900
Raywick 216700
Lebanon 187800
Southwest Anderson 170000
West Spencer 201000
Bardstown 144100
Hillview 182700
Mount Washington 177000
Simpsonville 355400
Larue County 159800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Miller & Miller Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Lebanon Junction 154
Northwest Anderson 123
Hodgenville 322
Brooks 136
Anderson County 1273
Raywick 83
Lebanon 728
Southwest Anderson 163
West Spencer 1032
Bardstown 1395
Hillview 540
Mount Washington 1251
Simpsonville 652
Pioneer Village 42
Larue County 707