Statistics & Research about Shelbyville,KY - Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Shelbyville,KY an area served by Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 502-909-0920

Car dealers nearby Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Colvins Auto Sales

Phone: (502) 633-9061

Shelbyville Chrysler Products

Shelbyville Chrysler Products, 2121 Midland Trail , Shelbyville, KY , 40065, Sales: (877) 872-9481Service: (866) 952-6542Parts: (866) 982-1397
Phone: (877) 872-9481

Martins Auto Sales And Lease

Phone: 502-529-2277

Real estate research for area nearby Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rolling Fields 587100 NA NA
Thornhill 254700 NA NA
West Buechel 79,300 635 9.6
Murray Hill 235,600 1728 8.8
Douglass Hills 223,200 844 4.5
Bald Knob 151,800 472 3.7
Chaplin 61300 NA NA
Orchard Grass Hills 166,200 1042 7.5
Heritage Creek 149,900 940 7.5
Wildwood 209,700 1722 9.9

Number of whites in places near by Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of whites
Rolling Fields 593
Thornhill 190
West Buechel 559
Murray Hill 492
Douglass Hills 4769
Bald Knob 1625
Chaplin 370
Orchard Grass Hills 1328
Heritage Creek 937
Wildwood 215
South Jefferson 25866
Broeck Pointe 233
Bedford 5024
Poplar Hills 152
Shelby County 36187

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Murray Hill 222900
Douglass Hills 254800
Bald Knob 112500
Chaplin 57900
Orchard Grass Hills 145300
South Jefferson 120200
Broeck Pointe 241700
Bedford 78600
Shelby County 173300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Rolling Fields 97
Thornhill 20
West Buechel 157
Murray Hill 53
Douglass Hills 768
Bald Knob 306
Chaplin 96
Orchard Grass Hills 345
Heritage Creek 274
Wildwood 70
South Jefferson 7059
Broeck Pointe 19
Bedford 1263
Shelby County 8525

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Mcdaniel Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Rolling Fields 583300
Thornhill 252800
Douglass Hills 226300
Bald Knob 147100
Wildwood 202400
South Jefferson 110900
Bedford 102800
Shelby County 119300