Statistics & Research about Hyden,KY - Martin Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Hyden,KY an area served by Martin Agency Inc

22023 Main St
Phone : (606) 672-2408

Real estate research for area nearby Martin Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hyden 54,900 507 11.1
Sibert-Hima 52,800 512 11.6
Viper 65,200 457 8.4
Carr Fork 58,800 549 11.2
Buckhorn 53,800 331 7.4
Booneville 64,400 297 5.5
Cawood 30,700 531 20.8
Pineville 59,100 378 7.7
Wallins Creek 58,700 542 11.1
Breathitt County 50,700 438 10.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Martin Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Hyden 758
Sibert-Hima 508
Viper 498
Carr Fork 863
Buckhorn 151
Booneville 425
Cawood 360
Pineville 1663
Wallins Creek 425
Breathitt County 2365
Emmalena 363
Knott County 2391
Krypton 520
Mozelle 471
Harlan County 4537

Number of vacant houses in places near by Martin Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hyden 428
Sibert-Hima 195
Viper 287
Carr Fork 522
Buckhorn 65
Booneville 180
Cawood 146
Pineville 1048
Wallins Creek 242
Breathitt County 979
Emmalena 243
Knott County 1631
Krypton 237
Mozelle 212
Harlan County 2545

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Martin Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hyden 135
Sibert-Hima 67
Viper 137
Carr Fork 161
Buckhorn 15
Booneville 124
Cawood 56
Pineville 469
Wallins Creek 102
Breathitt County 732
Emmalena 127
Knott County 911
Krypton 105
Mozelle 171
Harlan County 1246

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Martin Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Hyden 47800
Sibert-Hima 47600
Viper 55700
Carr Fork 62100
Buckhorn 52800
Booneville 50600
Cawood 30500
Pineville 56700
Wallins Creek 91500
Breathitt County 76300
Emmalena 67300
Knott County 61800
Krypton 43900
Mozelle 29400
Harlan County 64600