Statistics & Research about Owensboro,KY - Jones Insurance Agency-Owensboro

Here are some statistics & research about Owensboro,KY an area served by Jones Insurance Agency-Owensboro

Phone : 270-684-3217

Real estate research for area nearby Jones Insurance Agency-Owensboro

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Newburgh 150,800 562 4.5
Melody Hill 146000 NA NA
Chandler 82,400 758 11.0
Boon 105,800 638 7.2
Henderson County 100,500 577 6.9
Boonville 88,400 635 8.6
Onton 61300 NA NA
Ohio County 78,600 513 7.8
Hanson 116,600 489 5.0
Knight 99,100 715 8.7

Number of whites in places near by Jones Insurance Agency-Owensboro

Place name Number of whites
Newburgh 3203
Melody Hill 3454
Chandler 2951
Boon 12413
Henderson County 41241
Boonville 6092
Onton 39
Ohio County 22926
Hanson 3023
Knight 55938
Huff 864
Tell City 7030
Hartford 4127
Lewisport 3291
Hebbardsville-Robards 3921

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Jones Insurance Agency-Owensboro

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Newburgh 310
Chandler 56
Boon 318
Henderson County 1866
Boonville 275
Ohio County 436
Hanson 77
Knight 3901
Tell City 344
Hartford 134
Lewisport 84
Hebbardsville-Robards 3

Number of new houses in places near by Jones Insurance Agency-Owensboro

Place name Number of new houses
Henderson County 583300
Ohio County 157800
Hartford 159400
Lewisport 64300

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Jones Insurance Agency-Owensboro

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Newburgh 190800
Melody Hill 166200
Chandler 49600
Boon 179000
Henderson County 116000
Boonville 57000
Ohio County 75100
Hanson 148800
Knight 124800
Huff 129300
Tell City 79000
Hartford 98100
Lewisport 144600
Hebbardsville-Robards 76500