Statistics & Research about Tompkinsville,KY - Insurance Associates Of America Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Tompkinsville,KY an area served by Insurance Associates Of America Llc

111 E 2nd St
Phone : 270-487-5490

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Associates Of America Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mount Hermon 76,500 514 8.1
Marrowbone 66000 NA NA
Burkesville 66,700 365 6.6
Macon County 91,800 507 6.6
Tracy 111,200 663 7.2
Metcalfe County 80,300 525 7.8
Byrdstown 83,700 397 5.7
Edmonton 72,400 508 8.4
Celina 93,400 325 4.2
Bryan 97,200 933 11.5

Number of old houses in places near by Insurance Associates Of America Llc

Place name Number of old houses
Mount Hermon 153400
Marrowbone 58300
Burkesville 59300
Macon County 77800
Tracy 78800
Metcalfe County 87300
Byrdstown 65000
Edmonton 83000
Celina 60000
Bryan 105000
Holland 187500
Clinton County 69400
Livingston 51800
Summer Shade 89500

Number of vacant houses in places near by Insurance Associates Of America Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Mount Hermon 128
Marrowbone 39
Burkesville 586
Macon County 1429
Tracy 392
Metcalfe County 742
Byrdstown 131
Edmonton 415
Celina 105
Bryan 208
Holland 124
Clinton County 1393
Livingston 267
Dodson Branch 18
Summer Shade 258

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Associates Of America Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Mount Hermon 156700
Burkesville 225000
Macon County 119700
Tracy 132700
Metcalfe County 86700
Byrdstown 83300
Edmonton 95900
Celina 108300
Bryan 70000
Holland 106300
Clinton County 103200
Livingston 245500
Dodson Branch 79300
Summer Shade 79600

Number of blacks in places near by Insurance Associates Of America Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Burkesville 248
Macon County 89
Tracy 33
Metcalfe County 189
Byrdstown 23
Edmonton 56
Celina 174
Bryan 43
Clinton County 126
Livingston 150
Summer Shade 89