About : Bradshaw & Weil is an independent insurance agency. We represent many different carriers which allows us to select the best value for our clients.
Description : We handle personal, life, commercial, and church insurance. Our job as insurance professionals is to advise our clients on exposure. We help our clients address that exposure, either through insurance or other risk reduction methods.
Phone: 270-444-7291
Fax: 270-443-9931
Distance: 4.4 Miles
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Bradshaw & Weil will be closed on Monday February 16 due to weather conditions and employee/client safety. Stay warm and stay inside if possible! We plan to reopen Tuesday at our regular hours of 8:30- 4:30.
Many factors affect your insurance coverage. The general consumer is often not aware how their every day purchases and activities can affect their coverage. Bradshaw & Weil offers annual reviews to our clients.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Bradshaw & Weil will be closed on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day. We are so thankful for those who have gone before us, willingly sacrificed and served our country. They will not be forgotten.