Statistics & Research about Franklin,KY - Franklin Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Franklin,KY an area served by Franklin Insurance Inc

Phone : 270-586-8246

Car dealers nearby Franklin Insurance Inc

Hunt Ford Chrysler

Hunt Ford Chrysler, 1000 South Main Street, Franklin, KY 42135
Phone: (877) 595-8450

Real estate research for area nearby Franklin Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Simpson County 115,800 627 6.5
Goodlettsville 181,900 929 6.1
Plum Springs 96,500 747 9.3
Guthrie 91,600 629 8.2
Orlinda 148,600 1067 8.6
Lewisburg 78,600 430 6.6
Walnut Grove 235600 NA NA
New Deal 134,200 874 7.8
Coopertown 187,700 917 5.9
Settle 103,600 737 8.5

Number of old houses in places near by Franklin Insurance Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Simpson County 93500
Goodlettsville 113500
Plum Springs 100000
Guthrie 96500
Orlinda 109100
Lewisburg 45500
Coopertown 95800
Settle 111800
Alvaton 156400
Allen County 115300
Allensville 102500
Bowling Green 124800
Adams 88800

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Franklin Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Simpson County 101200
Goodlettsville 153800
Plum Springs 97100
Guthrie 18300
Orlinda 129200
Lewisburg 96700
Walnut Grove 89800
New Deal 20600
Coopertown 264600
Settle 105400
Alvaton 113500
Allen County 77200
Bowling Green 125900
Adams 95000

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Franklin Insurance Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Simpson County 3852
Goodlettsville 3220
Plum Springs 147
Guthrie 552
Orlinda 229
Lewisburg 792
Walnut Grove 183
New Deal 116
Coopertown 690
Settle 984
Alvaton 1632
Allen County 4536
Allensville 19
Bowling Green 14597
Adams 132

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Franklin Insurance Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Simpson County 961
Goodlettsville 976
Plum Springs 21
Guthrie 94
Orlinda 28
Lewisburg 191
Walnut Grove 92
New Deal 10
Coopertown 417
Settle 316
Alvaton 420
Allen County 1214
Bowling Green 4960
Adams 29