Statistics & Research about Fort Thomas,KY - Dave Walkenhorst Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Fort Thomas,KY an area served by Dave Walkenhorst Agency Llc

Phone : (859) 442-5660

Real estate research for area nearby Dave Walkenhorst Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Newtown 145,000 981 8.1
Stonelick 156,700 658 5.0
Aurora 115,000 693 7.2
Addyston 79,200 601 9.1
Mulberry 137,700 766 6.7
Verona 208,800 1516 8.7
Fairfax 117,900 911 9.3
Pleasant Plain 113,900 950 10.0
North Bend 311,200 862 3.3
Park Hills 184,300 667 4.3

Number of whites in places near by Dave Walkenhorst Agency Llc

Place name Number of whites
Newtown 2524
Stonelick 5771
Aurora 3653
Addyston 763
Mulberry 3004
Verona 1543
Fairfax 1604
Pleasant Plain 142
North Bend 1004
Park Hills 2416
Groesbeck 5422
Olde West Chester 148
Wetherington 1354
Butler 6697
Covington 98954

Number of vacant houses in places near by Dave Walkenhorst Agency Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Newtown 106
Stonelick 153
Aurora 96
Addyston 62
Mulberry 90
Verona 13
Fairfax 69
North Bend 9
Park Hills 260
Groesbeck 268
Olde West Chester 20
Wetherington 9
Butler 231
Covington 5623

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dave Walkenhorst Agency Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Newtown 145200
Stonelick 278400
Aurora 153800
Addyston 117200
Mulberry 147000
Verona 232500
Fairfax 250000
North Bend 391700
Park Hills 490000
Groesbeck 197400
Wetherington 111600
Butler 182500
Covington 221500

Number of new houses in places near by Dave Walkenhorst Agency Llc

Place name Number of new houses
Covington 500000