Statistics & Research about Middletown,KY - Caselli Insurance & R.E.

Here are some statistics & research about Middletown,KY an area served by Caselli Insurance & R.E.

12211 Old Shelbyville Rd Louisville

Real estate research for area nearby Caselli Insurance & R.E.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Audubon Park 239,200 947 4.8
Saluda 84,800 699 9.9
Harrisonville 152,300 583 4.6
Green Spring 277,900 1125 4.9
Henryville 115,300 670 7.0
Bellemeade 218,200 1469 8.1
Kingsley 229,700 1313 6.9
South Jefferson 143,700 866 7.2
East Jefferson 242,400 862 4.3
Rolling Fields 587100 NA NA

Number of new houses in places near by Caselli Insurance & R.E.

Place name Number of new houses
East Jefferson 488500
Oldham County 631100

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Caselli Insurance & R.E.

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Saluda 86900
Harrisonville 122100
Green Spring 300000
Henryville 86400
Bellemeade 164300
South Jefferson 120200
East Jefferson 274100
Shelby County 173300
Oldham County 241200

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Caselli Insurance & R.E.

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Audubon Park 286
Saluda 222
Harrisonville 1141
Green Spring 59
Henryville 427
Bellemeade 218
Kingsley 92
South Jefferson 7059
East Jefferson 11717
Rolling Fields 97
Spring Mill 32
Parkway Village 100
Shelby County 8525
Oldham County 8389
Strathmoor Manor 89

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Caselli Insurance & R.E.

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Audubon Park 44
Saluda 85
Harrisonville 99
Green Spring 33
Bellemeade 7
Kingsley 2
South Jefferson 375
East Jefferson 2585
Rolling Fields 45
Spring Mill 22
Parkway Village 14
Shelby County 1004
Oldham County 2540
Strathmoor Manor 6