Statistics & Research about Glasgow,KY - Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Glasgow,KY an area served by Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Phone : 270-651-2288

Car dealers nearby Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Gillie Hyde Auto Mall

Phone: 888-220-3799
url: http://gilliehyde.comindex.htm

Real estate research for area nearby Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fountain Run 68,200 495 8.7
Scottsville 91,000 508 6.7
Hiseville 117,400 573 5.9
Temple Hill 97,900 526 6.4
Summer Shade 84,600 597 8.5
Edmonson County 91,400 553 7.3
Gradyville 66,800 525 9.4
Gresham 67,000 596 10.7
Donansburg 74,300 610 9.9
Glasgow 104,600 542 6.2

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Fountain Run 44
Scottsville 175
Hiseville 12
Temple Hill 16
Summer Shade 27
Edmonson County 466
Gradyville 32
Gresham 46
Glasgow 783
Hammonville 55
Green County 311
Smiths Grove 60
Center 60

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Fountain Run 56
Scottsville 171
Hiseville 79
Temple Hill 40
Summer Shade 105
Edmonson County 187
Gradyville 24
Gresham 66
Donansburg 47
Glasgow 461
Hammonville 49
Gamaliel 3
Green County 232
Smiths Grove 105
Center 39

Number of blacks in places near by Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Fountain Run 39
Scottsville 209
Hiseville 46
Summer Shade 89
Edmonson County 146
Gradyville 15
Gresham 20
Donansburg 31
Glasgow 1465
Green County 299
Smiths Grove 251
Center 44

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Calvert & Nunn Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Fountain Run 46300
Scottsville 97100
Hiseville 154600
Temple Hill 75000
Summer Shade 68100
Edmonson County 93100
Gradyville 46600
Gresham 68300
Donansburg 92500
Glasgow 129400
Hammonville 79300
Gamaliel 9999
Green County 72200
Smiths Grove 109400
Center 66700