Statistics & Research about Nicholasville,KY - C M Space & Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Nicholasville,KY an area served by C M Space & Associates Inc

Phone : 859-887-8747

Car dealers nearby C M Space & Associates Inc

Chrysler On Nicholasville

Phone: 877-356-6305

Toyota On Nicholasville

Phone: (859) 887-4200

Real estate research for area nearby C M Space & Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Junction City 84,100 613 8.7
Wilmore 166,300 573 4.1
Bryantsville 151,000 821 6.5
Cottonburg-Valley View 114,700 595 6.2
Southwest Anderson 129,000 819 7.6
Danville 145,100 621 5.1
Clark County 139,100 672 5.8
Lexington-Fayette Central 154,800 644 5.0
Southeast Clark 121,100 644 6.4
Perryville 135,000 664 5.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by C M Space & Associates Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Junction City 628
Wilmore 903
Bryantsville 393
Cottonburg-Valley View 253
Southwest Anderson 215
Danville 2580
Clark County 3828
Lexington-Fayette Central 14317
Southeast Clark 335
Perryville 314
Lincoln County 2769
Georgetown 3501
Lexington-Fayette Northeast 4878
Waco-Bybee 533
Winchester 3326

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by C M Space & Associates Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Junction City 75000
Wilmore 151400
Bryantsville 159100
Cottonburg-Valley View 106900
Southwest Anderson 98100
Danville 170500
Clark County 161500
Lexington-Fayette Central 185600
Southeast Clark 124500
Perryville 126400
Lincoln County 86300
Georgetown 139100
Lexington-Fayette Northeast 139700
Waco-Bybee 116500
Winchester 160800

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by C M Space & Associates Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Junction City 62500
Wilmore 89100
Southwest Anderson 134400
Danville 105800
Clark County 113800
Lexington-Fayette Central 144400
Southeast Clark 140300
Perryville 96300
Lincoln County 72100
Georgetown 133000
Lexington-Fayette Northeast 123300
Waco-Bybee 106800
Winchester 111800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by C M Space & Associates Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Junction City 203
Wilmore 617
Bryantsville 405
Cottonburg-Valley View 159
Southwest Anderson 163
Danville 1524
Clark County 2517
Lexington-Fayette Central 7990
Southeast Clark 209
Perryville 328
Lincoln County 1115
Georgetown 2947
Lexington-Fayette Northeast 4281
Waco-Bybee 321
Winchester 1937