Statistics & Research about Paducah,KY - Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Paducah,KY an area served by Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Phone : 270-444-7291

Car dealers nearby Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Massey Motors


Chip Wynn Motors

Chip Wynn Motors 3147 Park Avenue Paducah,\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00a0KY\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00a042001
Phone: (270) 443-1728

Real estate research for area nearby Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lovelaceville 56100 NA NA
Belknap 67500 NA NA
Webster No. 5 106,300 694 7.8
Grahamville-Heath 121,300 664 6.6
Dexter 81700 NA NA
West Brooklyn 66,700 602 10.8
Grantsburg No. 1 92600 NA NA
Cunningham 100,900 500 5.9
Farmington 101,500 658 7.8
Adkins 112,700 1094 11.6

Number of old houses in places near by Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Belknap 59400
Webster No. 5 111500
Grahamville-Heath 66600
Dexter 153000
West Brooklyn 156900
Grantsburg No. 1 18000
Cunningham 110000
Farmington 46000
Eddyville 89800
Farley 55000
Paducah 86300
Metropolis No. 2 119800

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Webster No. 5 18
Grahamville-Heath 18
West Brooklyn 28
Cunningham 16
Farmington 17
Adkins 7
Eddyville 309
Farley 120
Paducah 2628
Metropolis No. 2 84

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Webster No. 5 6
Grahamville-Heath 76
Cunningham 27
Farmington 30
Adkins 11
Eddyville 86
Farley 23
Paducah 792

Number of new houses in places near by Bradshaw & Weil Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Grahamville-Heath 323100
Cunningham 525000
Eddyville 75000
Paducah 212500