Statistics & Research about Crestwood,KY - American Standard

Here are some statistics & research about Crestwood,KY an area served by American Standard

6427 W Highway 146, Ste 1

Real estate research for area nearby American Standard

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Trimble County 115,000 662 6.9
Beechwood Village 204,800 1010 5.9
Lincolnshire 183000 NA NA
Lexington 98,000 593 7.3
Eminence 143,900 658 5.5
Vienna 99,900 673 8.1
Hills and Dales 420800 NA NA
Forest Hills 170,300 1458 10.3
Mockingbird Valley 812500 NA NA
Brooks 90,800 659 8.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by American Standard

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Trimble County 1074
Beechwood Village 85
Lincolnshire 13
Lexington 333
Eminence 461
Vienna 1245
Forest Hills 19
Mockingbird Valley 1
Brooks 284
Parkway Village 133
Woodlawn Park 21
Fincastle 24
Murray Hill 7
Simpsonville 348

Number of blacks in places near by American Standard

Place name Number of blacks
Trimble County 157
Beechwood Village 66
Lincolnshire 1
Eminence 244
Vienna 41
Brooks 60
Parkway Village 6
Woodlawn Park 29
Fincastle 244
Simpsonville 1032

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by American Standard

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Trimble County 138000
Lexington 91000
Eminence 168400
Vienna 87600
Forest Hills 220000
Mockingbird Valley 208300
Brooks 22500
Woodlawn Park 275000
Fincastle 132500
Simpsonville 258700